Discover our Meal & workout Plans

Feel tired during the day with low energy? Feel unhappy with your weight? Spending a lot of time at the gym but not getting the results you want? Unsure how or what to cook? Want to make healthy choices at the grocery store? Tired of reading conflicting diet advice telling you not to eat something – only to read the next day that you should start eating it again?

Learn how to make reasonable changes in eating habits and behaviors. Set manageable goals for long-term results. Implement behavioral modification techniques.  Get evidence-based information applicable to your goals.

Meal Plans


Enter dollar amount and receive plan within 48 hours.  Receive both meal and workout plans for $100.


Workout plans


Enter dollar amount and receive plan within 48 hours.  Receive both meal and workout plans for $100.

Please make your payments here for Personal Training also.

The Lynn Twins Services